
XCOM was a planned first-person tactical action sci-fi game and a reboot of the classic tactical strategy X-Com series originally developed by Mythos Games and MicroProse, while focusing on a new origin story[1]. Developed by 2K Marin, it was originally announced for a release on March 6th 2012 but was pushed back to a release between April 2013 - March 2014.[2] On April 15th 2013 the game's websites were shut down and on April 26th 2013 it was re-announced and retitled as The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, a tactical third-person shooter that released August 20th 2013.[3]


Featuring a bold new origin story told from a first-person perspective, XCOM pits Special Agent William Carter and his veteran team against the threat of human extinction. But every enemy is an opportunity - players will strike surgically against the alien menace, capture their technology, and by the science of desperation - turn the invaders' weapons against them. Armed with these lethal new tools of war, players will command their squad on XCOM's front lines: Main Street, USA. [1]

Unlike the full-released game, the main alien race leading the Outsiders are not the Zudjari, but instead a machine-like race described as "made of a kind of 'living technology'" that is "both highly-aggressive and very intelligent", which they plan to use to terraform Earth, turning our world into theirs.[4] Despite that, they are still similar to the Zudjari in terms of motive, being a horribly militant, savage race going around the galaxy enslaving other races. A race all about unsustainable consumption, Earth is the Outsiders' next target.[5]


E3 2010 Debut Trailer

E3 2011 Gameplay Trailer

E3 2011 Demo



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